Principal Investigator
Panagiotis is an Associate Professor at the Applied Informatics department of University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki and head of the NetCloud research group. Before that he was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Communications Technology in Leibniz University Hanover and a member of L3S research center. During 2008-2010, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Computing Department of Lancaster University, UK, and at Telecom SudParis, France. Panagiotis received a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Democritus University of Thrace in 2008, an M.Sc in Information Technology from University of Nottingham in 2001, and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Crete in 2000.
He has been the (co-)PI in several EU-funded (e.g., NEPHELE, T-NOVA, CONFINE, and NECOS) and nationally-funded projects. His research activities span (next-generation) Internet architectures, network processing, programmable dataplanes, deterministic networking, and edge computing. He was a recipient of the Best Paper Awards at IFIP WWIC 2012 and IFIP WWIC 2016, and the Runner-Up Poster Award at ACM SIGCOMM 2009. He has co-chaired several international conferences and workshops, such as IEEE ICIN 2024, IFIP/IEEE CNSM 2022, IFIP Networking TENSOR 2020-2023, IEEE NetSoft S4SI 2020, IEEE CNSM SR+SFC 2018–2019, IFIP WWIC 2016-2017 and INFOCOM SWFAN 2016. Panagiotis often serves in program committees of high-profile conferences, such as IFIP Networking, IEEE NETSOFT, IFIP/IEEE NOMS, IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, and IEEE PIMRC. He is also an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management and a Senior Member of IEEE.

George is a Researcher at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece. He received a BS in Computer and Communications Engineering from Technological Institute of Serres in 2012 and a Master Degree in Management Information Systems from University of Macedonia in 2017. His research interests include NFV orchestration, SDN, and network slicing.

Angelos is a Researcher at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece. He received the BSc in Mathematics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2015), the MSc in Applied Informatics from University of Macedonia (2019) and the PhD from the same department (2023). From October 2021 to March 2022, Angelos has been with Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium, as a PhD intern. From May 2022, he works as a Data Scientist – Reinforcement Learning Engineer at Intracom Telecom. Angelos has been awarded a 2-year scholarship from H.F.R.I. for his PhD studies. His research is focused on decision-making systems and algorithms in modern networks.

Makis is a Researcher at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece. He received a B.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Crete in Heraklion and an MSc in Applied Informatics from the University of Macedonia, specializing in Computational Methods and Applications. His research interests include next-generation Networking, Network & Cloud Security and 5G Architectures. He is an avid Linux fan with extensive experience in server administration and scripting.

Kostas is a Researcher at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece. He received a BSc in Computer Science from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MSc in Information and Communication Technology from International Hellenic University. His research interests include network programming, SDN and cloud technologies.

Pantelis is a Researcher at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece. He received a BSc in Computer Science and the MSc in Engineering of Pervasive Computing Systems from Hellenic Open University. His professional activities include participation in projects on the field of Geoinformatics and the development of GIS and mapping applications. The research interests of Pantelis include the applications of Artificial Intelligence in virtual network embedding and VNF orchestration.

Maria is a Researcher in University of Macedonia, Greece. She received the B.Sc. degree in Applied Informatics from University of Macedonia, in 2023, where she is currently pursuing the M.Sc. in Applied Informatics with specialization in Next Generation Systems and Networks. Her research interests include SDN and Cloud technologies.

Theodore is a Researcher in University of Macedonia, from where he also received a BSc in Applied Informatics, in 2023. His interests include Computer Networks, Communications, Operating Systems and in general Low Level Programming.

Stella is a Researcher in University of Macedonia. She received the BSc degree in Applied Informatics from University of Macedonia, in 2023. Her interests include Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Communications and Network & Cloud Security.